3 Ways Twitter has Changed the World

Since it was founded in 2006, Twitter has influenced the world in so many different ways. Read on for 3 examples of how Twitter has changed the world.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-04-13 08:28:00

Twitter is a global social networking and microblogging platform with more than 300 million monthly active users. The platform, which allows individuals and businesses to share their thoughts in 140 characters or less, now has a huge influence on society, largely due to the fact that it has attracted countless celebrities, journalists, politicians and other public figures.

Twitter has been used in countless ways to spread the word about important news, events and current affairs. Below are 3 ways that this immensely popular platform has changed the world:

1. With regards to Celebrity Culture

Twitter has significantly changed celebrity culture, and there’s simply no going back. Today, we can follow our favourite celebrities on a daily basis, discover what they do with their day-to-day lives and even communicate with them directly without having to deal with their strict management teams.

With Twitter, celebrities can essentially do their own branding without having to rely on the media to form perceptions for them and there are so many celebrities taking advantage of Twitter including Taylor Swift, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan.

2. On a Business Level

Twitter is a fantastic platform for businesses as it now enables them to interact directly with their clients. Although this enables individuals to write negative reviews or voice complaints for members of the public to see, it also allows businesses to swiftly reply to queries, concerns and complaints and hopefully resolve them very quickly.

Another reason why Twitter is great for businesses is that they can use the platform to see what people are talking about and discover what’s important to them about products and services.

Furthermore, when people are passionate about your brand, they are likely to publicly endorse it on their platform, which is a form of word of mouth marketing.

3. On a Journalistic Scale

Traditionally, the flow of news information from around the world was controlled by the likes of Reuters and Associated Press, however today, the latest news is being tweeted to Twitter’s more than 300 million users. Whenever a story breaks someone immediately shares it on Twitter for the world to see.

For instance, when it was first discovered that Osama bin Laden had been killed, the first official source came from a local IT consultant, who inadvertently tweeted details about the US-led operation, as it happened. This shows the growing role that Twitter is playing in the reporting of world news by people from all walks of life, and something that journalists simply cannot avoid in their quest for the latest news.

Millions of people make extensive use of Twitter to spread the word about information, share messages and positively brand themselves. Is your business taking advantage of Twitter?

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